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Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士

Timothy Tye Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士 (GPS: 5.33649, 100.29237) is a Chinese physician and acupuncture TCM orthopedic medical centre in Bukit Jambul, Penang. It occupies a lot at The CEO Building. At Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre, the Chinese physicians combine traditional Chinese medical (TCM) therapy with modern medical techniques to provide effective treatment to patients.

The medical services provided include Acupuncture, Orthopedic & Traumatology, Tuinalogy/Bone Setting Chinese Massage Treatment, Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Meridian Point Treatment, Warm Cupping, Sport Injury, Rehabilitation and Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy, among others.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士 specialize in Orthopaedic, Common Disease, Bone Setting, Tittar, Spine Correction/Alignment, Chiropractic & TCM Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy, Chinese Meridians Massage Therapy, Sport Injury, Sport Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Chiropractic, TCM Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Acupuncture Weight Loss, Herbalist, Scraping/ Guasha Treatment, Cupping, Spine Essential Oil Massage, TCM Pulse Diagnosis & Nutrition Consultations, Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy, Rehabilitation & Body Check Up (The consultations & checking of body aches which caused by organ failure, degeneration/aging, tendon, muscle stiffness, tender, weak, swollen, sore, numbness, back pain, nerve system, nerve compression, disorder, slipped disc, wrist sprain, spine dislocation, knee, toe, hip, ankle, elbow, neck, arm, lower back pain, allergic, gastric stomach, ligament tear, incorrect/bad posture, feet roll inward/outward, footbalance, long short leg, soft tissue injury, ligament tear, inflammation, blood clot, occupational disease and others) and etc.

Effective treatments in orthopedic & common diseases as sprain, disc herniation, fracture, scoliosis, bone spurs, cervicogenic headache, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, blood clog, neck pain/stiffness, fatigue, soft tissues tear, detox bleeding, numbness, nerves system disorders, sport injuries, sciatica, headache /migraine, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, arthritis, joint pain swollen, lethargy, leg sore stiffness, tendon injury, tenosynovitis, slipped disc, joint degeneration, muscle ligament pain, stroke, muscle atrophy, insomnia, weak immunity & etc.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

The Chinese physicians at Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士 provide individual attention to each patient, answering their questions, enquiring about their medical history, do a thorough medical check up, provide correct diagnosis and adopt careful and effective treatments. They seek to find the root cause of the patients' illness, and adjust the balance of yin and yang to help the patient regain health.

The chief Chinese physician at Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士 is Dr Edward Ooi. A graduate of Hunan University China, a medical university renowned for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), he is a registered Chinese physician specialising in combining Western spine correction with Chinese massages as well as Chinese traditional treatments. In addition, he is also good at Chinese herbal acupuncture therapy and is able to treat various chronic and rate diseases. Dr. Ooi can help to alleviate pain caused by various organis of the body as well as nervous disorders resulting from sport injuries and accidents. Some of these injuries can be treated without surgery.


Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士
31-2-11. The CEO Building,
Lebuh Nipah 5,
11950 Bayan Lepas, Penang.
Contact: Dr. Ooi Cheng Yan (Dr. Edward Ooi) 黄敬元中医博士
phone: 011-2749 6368)
WhatsApp: +6011 - 2749 6368
WeChat: EdwardOoi118

Clinic Hours
10:00am to 10:00pm daily, by appointment only.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士 is at The CEO Building, which is on the Map of Jalan Bukit Gambir, Penang

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre
Dr Ooi Cheng Yan, the Chinese physician at Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士

Dr. Ooi Cheng Yan (Dr. Edward Ooi) 黄敬元中医博士 is the chief of Chinese Physician at Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre 黄敬元中医博士. Experts specializing in the combination of western spine correction and Chinese massage as well as Chinese traditional treatment. In addition, he is also good at Chinese herbal acupuncture therapy and is capable to treat various chronic and rare diseases effectively. He can also effectively resolve the pain caused by various organs of our body as well as nervous disorders including accident and sports injury. Some of the diseases can be cured without surgery. He graduated from a well known Chinese medicine university in China called as Medicine (TCM) Hunan University China. He was also sucessfully registered as a Chinese Physician from Chinese Physician Association called Federation of Chinese Physicians and Acupuncturists Associations Malaysia (FCPAAM), which is recognized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, with many years of clinical experiences as a qualified Chinese Physician.

黄敬元中医博士是位在于乐生中医诊所的主任中医师。专长于结合西方脊柱矫正和中医推拿以及民间正骨手法治疗相结合的专家。此外,他也是擅长于中药针灸疗法,可以很效地控制体征、症状以及良好的治疗许多奇难杂症疾病。黄君专长于解决人体各个器官以及神经失常所引起的病痛,包括运动或意外事故创伤。有些治疗方法可达到避免于手术治疗。黄氏他本人毕业于中国一间著名中医药大学,号称为中国湖南中医药大学,也荣获马来西亚卫生部承认的中医师公会,马来西亚中医师暨针灸联合总会(医总) FCPAAM注册中医师,拥有多年临床经验的中医师。曾选入马来西亚成功人士2019年首版英国百科全书里百科全书将收录在几个国家的国家图书馆里 (The British Encyclopedia of Successful People in Malaysia.)。黄老师向来活跃于中医慈善活动、槟城国际狮子会、商会、学校、庙会、宗祠与社团。过去现在身兼多职董事会员却面面俱到,热心于社会服务、大医精诚、仁医仁术、对中医行业持有崇高理想与热忱。

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre
Chiropractor's bed and equipment at Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical CentreAt Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre, modern Western equipment is used alongside traditional Chinese medical practises.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre
Foot baths at Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical CentreReflexology pad.

Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical CentreSpinary X-Rays.

Services of Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

  1. Impulse Subluxation Adjusting Technique Therapy
    This therapy is based on the location of the human spinal lesions using different sitting, prone position, the use of a variety of techniques, to achieve a therapeutic alleviation of pain in a few minutes. By correcting the position of the spine, this therapy ensures that the nerves are no longer violated and their original functions are restored. It is the most gentle and effective method to treat this ailment. This therapy of adjusting the position of the spine, not only treats spinal disorders such as spinal degeneration, lower back & leg muscles pain problems, spinal joint dislocation and scoliosis, it also treats spine-related diseases such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, limb numbness, arrhythmia and gastrointestinal disorders.

    Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

  2. Acupuncture Treatment
    Acupuncture therapy originated in China and has a long history. Since ancient times, acupuncture and moxibustion medicine have continued to flourish in China and have made indelible contributions to the propagation of Chinese civilization and nation. In other words, acupuncture is well known among the Chinese.

    Medical analysis report indicated that acupuncture can effectively treat diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also officially recognized that acupuncture can help cure some ailments. Since thousands of years ago, the have been relying on Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture to maintain their health. Acupuncture and herb therapy is to stimulate the meridians and acupoints, to clear the meridians, to correct the evils, and to coordinate/balance the effects of Yin and Yang, so as to exert its unique therapeutic effect.

    Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

  3. TCM Pulse Diagnosis & Nutrition Consultations
    TCM Pulse Diagnosis helps to determine root causes of ailments, and how to best support the body's cleansing process, by customizing food choices, supplements, herbals, treatments, and lifestyle activities. Nutrition consultations guide the patient with easy-to-follow meal plans that focus on food recommended by the TCM as well as other liver-supportive and detoxifying food items.

    Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

  4. Warm Cupping Treatment
    "Cupping therapy" is one of the best "physiotherapy" methods commonly used by traditional Chinese medicine to treat ailments. This therapy uses "negative pressure and warmth" as the mechanism. By stimulating meridians and acupuncture meridian points, this treatment can stimulate muscles and blood circulation, relieve swelling, relieve pain, and cure diarrhea and fever. Besides that, it is able to improve flu, headches and rheumatoid arthritis. On top of that, it helps balance the energy of yin and yang from our body.

    Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre
  5. Chiropractic & TCM Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy
    This treatment combines both Oriental and Western treatment methods and skills. It makes use of various hand techniques such as acupuncture and other chiropractic manipulation technique. To enhance the healing process, the practitioner may recommend the use of Chinese herbs. This treatment bears some resemblance to Western massage techniques such as gliding, kneading, vibration and shaking. In this treatment, the muscles and tendons are massaged with the help of hands and acupressure techniques applied directly to the affected areas to stimulate the flow of Qi at different acupressure points of the body, thus facilitating the healing process.

    Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre
  6. Chinese Herbal Essential Oil Scraping (Guasha) Treatment
    Chinese Herbal Essential Oil Scraping (Guasha) is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping the patient's skin with a massage tool to improve blood circulation. This ancient Chinese healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health, addressing issues like chronic pains.

    During the scraping (Guasha) therapy, the Chinese Physician applies pure Chinese herbal essential oil to the skin and scrape the skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, thus increasing blood flow.

    This treatment releases unhealthy bodily matter from blood stasis within sored, tired, stiff or injured muscle areas to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the areas, thus promotes metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery.

    Scraping (Guasha) is intended to address stagnant energy - called chi - in the body that practitioners believe may be responsible for inflammation. Inflammation is the underlying cause of several conditions associated with chronic pain. Rubbing the skin surface is thought to help break up our body energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. In addition, it is also effective for detoxification and improves our blood circulation and enhances immune system as well.

    Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

Products offered by Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre

In addition to providing various treatments, Happy Life Chinese Physician & Acupuncture TCM Orthopedic Medical Centre also sells various products including traditional Chinese medicines, orthopedics, foot balance and others.

About this website

Dear visitor, thank you so much for reading this page. My name is Timothy Tye and my hobby is to find out about places, write about them and share the information with you on this website. I have been writing this site since 5 January 2003. Originally (from 2003 until 2009, the site was called AsiaExplorers. I changed the name to Penang Travel Tips in 2009, even though I describe more than just Penang but everywhere I go (I often need to tell people that "Penang Travel Tips" is not just information about Penang, but information written in Penang), especially places in Malaysia and Singapore, and in all the years since 2003, I have described over 20,000 places.

While I try my best to provide you information as accurate as I can get it to be, I do apologize for any errors and for outdated information which I am unaware. Nevertheless, I hope that what I have described here will be useful to you.

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