Timothy Tye
Here's the big list of animals in Penang Hokkien, using Taiji Romanisation. This list covers various animals ranging from birds to mammals and more.

Birds (Ciau4 [tsiau] )

  1. chicken (ayam): kay1 [ke]

  2. crow (burung gagak): or3ar1 [ɔ-a]

  3. duck (itik): ak3 [aʔ]

  4. eagle (helang): eng1 [eŋ] , lau33eng1 [lau-eŋ]

  5. goose (angsa): go2 [go]

  6. Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata): huan3ak3 [huan-aʔ]

  7. owl (burung hantu): am1kong3ciau4 [am-kɔŋ-tsiau]

  8. parrot (burung kakatua) - eng3ko1 [eŋ-ko]

  9. pigeon (merpati): kap3 [kap]

  10. quail (burung puyuh): am3thoon3 [am-thun]

  11. rooster (ayam jantan): kay3kark3 [ke-kak]

  12. seagull (burung laut): hai1ciau4 [hai-tsiau]

  13. sparrow (burung pipit): chek1a1ciau4 [tsek-a-tsiau]

  14. starling (burung perling): ka3leng3 [ka-leŋ]

  15. turkey (ayam belanda): hoay1kay1 [hoe-ke]

Fish (Hu2 [hu] )

  1. anchovy (ikan bilis): kang3hu3knia4 [kaŋ-hu-kiã]

  2. barramundi (ikan siakap): sia3kap3 [sia-kap]

  3. bigeye scad (ikan lolong): tua3bat1 [tua-bat]

  4. black pomfret (bawal hitam): or3 chniau1 [ɔ-tshiãu]

  5. catfish (ikan semilang) thor3sat3 [thɔ-sat]

  6. croaker (ikan gelama): gu3la1ma4 [gu-la-ma]

  7. eel (belut) mua3hu2 [mua-hu]

  8. flounder (ikan togok): pni1hu2 [pĩ-hu]

  9. fourfinger threadfin (ikan senangin): ngor1a4 [ŋɔ-a]

  10. giant catfish, bronze catfish (ikan temekung, ikan duri jahan, ikan duri gangsa): sai1seng2 [sai-seŋ]

  11. goldbanded jobfish (ikan kerisi): ka1lak3hu2 [ka-la-hu]

  12. goldfish: kim3hu2 [kim-hu]

  13. grouper (ikan kerapu): koay1kau2 [koe-kau]

  14. grunt (gerut-gerut): paek3co2 [pɛk-tso]

  15. largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus, ikan timah selayur) paek3tuah3 [pɛk-tuah]

  16. mullet (ikan belanak): cnia1hu2 [tsiã-hu]

  17. ray (ikan pari): harng3ngah1hu2 [haŋ-ŋa-hu] , i3kan3 pa1ri2 [i-kan-pa-ri] (Malay loanword)

  18. red snapper (ikan jenahak): ang3co2 [aŋ-tso]

  19. salmon: sa3man3 hu2 [sa-man-hu]

  20. sardine (ikan sardin): sar3din3 hu2 [sa-din-hu]

  21. shad (ikan kebasi): bor3khok1 hu2 [bɔ-khɔk-hu]

  22. shark (ikan jerung): snua3hu2 [suã-hu]

  23. short mackerel (ikan kembung): kam3bong3 [kam-kɔŋ]

  24. shrimp scad/Herring scad (pelata keledek): chnae3boey4 [tshɛ̃-boe]

  25. silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus, bawal tambak): tau1tay4 [tau-te]

  26. threadfin (ikan kurau): soon3hong1 [sun-hɔŋ]

  27. torpedo scad (ikan cencaru): ngeh3boey4 [ŋɛ-boe]

  28. tuna (ikan tongkol): cha3hu2 [tsha-hu]

  29. white pomfret (bawal putih): paek3chniau1 [pɛk-tshiãu]

  30. wolf herring (parang-parang): sai3to1 [sai-to]

  31. yellowtail scad (ikan selar): ooi3boey4 [uĩ-boe]

Shellfish (si3put1 [si-put]) )

The English term for various shellfish is often simply mussel or clam, though the Malay, scientific and Penang Hokkien names may differ. Terms such as "clam" may again have different meaning in different parts of the world.

  1. abalone: pau3hu2 [pau-hu]

  2. clam (lala, Paphia textile): la3la1 [la-la]

  3. cockle (kerang, Cardiidae): harm1 [ham]

  4. horn shell (siput sedut, siput belitung, Cerithidea obtusa): ba3li1tong3 [ba-li-toŋ]

  5. meat conch: bak1le2 [baʔ-le]

  6. mussel (siput kepah, siput gayam, Asaphis): kat1pah1 [kat-pah]

  7. mussel (siput sudu, Mytilidae): than1 [than]

  8. oyster (tiram, family Ostreidae): oh2 [oh]

  9. razor clam (siput buluh, Ensis arcuatus): teik1than1 [tek-than]

  10. scallop (kapis, kekapis, gapis, siput piring, Pectinidae): kang3gia3cu1 [kaŋ-gia-tsu]

  11. spiky shell (siput duri): chi1le2 [tshi-le]

Other Marine Life (hai1te4-eh3 khim3siu3 [hai-te-e-khim-siu] )

  1. crab (ketam): cim2 [tsim]

  2. dugong/manatee (dugong): hai1gu2 [hai-gu]

  3. flower crab (ketam bunga): chik1 [tshiʔ]

  4. horseshoe crab (belangkas): hau3 [hau]

  5. jellyfish (obor-obor): hai1theh3 [hai-theh]

  6. lobster (udang galah): leng3haeh2 [leŋ-hɛ] , kae3leong3haeh2 [kɛ-liɔŋ-hɛ]

  7. mantis prawn (udang mantis): haeh3kor1 [hɛ-kɔ]

  8. prawn (udang): haeh2 [hɛ]

  9. sea cucumber (gamat): hai1sorm1 [hai-sɔm]

  10. seahorse (kuda laut): hai1bae4 [hai-bɛ]

  11. seal (anjing laut): hai1kao4 [hai-kau]

  12. shellfish (siput): si3put1 [si-put] (Malay loanword)

  13. shrimp (udang kecil): iu1haeh2 [iu-hɛ]

  14. whale [ikan paus] kheng3hu2 [kheŋ-hu]

Insects (Thang2 [thaŋ] ) and related creatures

  1. ant (semut): Hia3 [hia]; red ant: ang3hia3 [aŋ-hia] ; black ant: or3hia3 [ɔ-hia]

  2. bed mites (hama katil): bark3sat3 [bak-sat]

  3. bee (lebah): phang1 [phaŋ]

  4. beetle (kumbang): ku1 [ku]

  5. butterfly (rama-rama): boay1yak1 [boe-iak]

  6. caterpillar (ulat bulu): snaeh3mor3thang2 [sɛ̃-mɔ-thaŋ]

  7. centipede (lipan): ya3kang1 [ia-kaŋ]

  8. cicada (riang-riang): am3po1cae2 [am-po-tsɛ]

  9. cockroach (lipas): ka3cuak1 [ka-tsuak]

  10. cricket (cengkerik): cang3ke1lit1 [tsaŋ-kə-lit]

  11. flea (kutu): ku3tu4 [ku-tu]

  12. fly (lalat): hor3sin2 [hɔ-sin]

  13. grasshopper (belalang): chau1maek3 [tshau-mɛk] , chau1maek1kong1 [tshau-mɛk-kɔŋ]

  14. honeybee (lebah madu): bit3phang1 [bit-paŋ]

  15. mosquito (nyamuk) - bang4 [baŋ]

  16. scorpion (kala jengking): chniau3ngek3 [tshiãu-ŋɛh]

  17. snail (siput babi): le2 [le]

  18. spider (labah-labah): ti3tu1 [ti-tu], la3gia2 [la-gia]

  19. termite (anai-anai): paek3hia3 [pɛk-hia]

Mammals (ciak3 leng1-eh3 khim3siu3 [tsiak-leŋ-e-khim-siu] )

Mammals in Penang Hokkien

  1. bat (kelawar): bit3poh2 [bit-po]

  2. bear: him2 [him] , kao1him2 [kau-him]

  3. buffalo (kerbau): chooi1gu2 [tsui-gu]

  4. camel (unta): lork3tho2 [lɔk-tho]

  5. cat (kucing): niau1 [niau] , miau1 [miau]

  6. civet cat (musang): mor3sang1 [mɔ-saŋ]

  7. cow (lembu): gu2 [gu]

  8. deer (rusa): lork1 [lɔk]

  9. dog (anjing): kao4 [kau]

  10. elephant (gajah): chniau3 [tshiau]

  11. fox (musang): hor3lee2 [hɔ-li]

  12. fruit bat (keluang) (b) - koay1chee1ba2 [koe-tsi-ba]

  13. giraffe (rusa): ki3lin3 lork1 [ki-lin-lɔk]

  14. goat (kambing): nyau2 [ĩau]

  15. gorilla (mawas) seng3seng1 [seŋ-seŋ]

  16. hippopotamus (badak air): ho3 bae4 [ho-bɛ]

  17. horse (kuda): bae4 [bɛ]

  18. leopard (harimau bintang): pa3 [pa]

  19. lion (singa): (noun) sai1 [sai]

  20. mole (tikus tanah): cni3chu4 [tsĩ-tshu]

  21. monkey (beruk, monkey): kau2 [kau] , lau33kau2 [lau-kau]

  22. mouse, rat (tikus): niau1chu4 [niau-tshu]

  23. pangolin (tenggiling): lah3lee4 [lah-li]

  24. panther (harimau kumbang): or3pa3 [ɔ-pa]

  25. pig (babi, khinzir): too1 [tu]

  26. rabbit (arnab): paek3thor3 [pɛk-thɔ]

  27. rhinoceros (badak sumbu): sai3gu2 [sai-gu]

  28. scaly anteater (tenggiling): lah3lee4 [lah-li]

  29. sheep (kambing biri-biri): maek3 [mɛk]

  30. squirrel (tupai): phong1chu4 [phɔŋ-tshu]

  31. tiger (harimau): hor4 [hɔ], lau33hor4 [lau-hɔ]

  32. wild boar (babi hutan): snua3too1 [suã-tu]

  33. wolf (serigala): long3kao4 [lɔŋ-kau]

Reptiles (thang2thua1 [thaŋ-thua] ) and Amphibians

Reptiles in Penang Hokkien

  1. cobra (ular tedung) - phooi3ki3cheng3 [phui-ki-tsheŋ]

  2. crocodile (buaya) - buai3ya4 [buai-ja]

  3. edible frog: chooi1kay1 [tsui-ke] (literally, "water chicken")

  4. lizard (cicak): ci3cak1 [tsi-tsak) (Malay loanword), sin3thang2 [sin-thaŋ]

  5. monitor lizard (biawak): see1kha3cua2 [si-kha-tsua]

  6. python (ular sawa): gim1cua2 [gim-tsua]

  7. snake (ular): cua2 [tsua]

  8. terrapin (tuntung): or3kui1 [ɔ-kui]

  9. toad (katak puru): ka3ta3 pu1lu4 [ka-ta-pu-lu] (Malay loanword)

  10. tortoise (kura-kura): ku1 [ku]

  11. turtle (penyu): pik3 [piʔ]

Worms and related

  1. earthworm: ca3cing4 [tsa-tsiŋ] (Malay loanword)

  2. leech: gor3ki2 [gɔ-ki] , pa3cat1 [pa-tsat] (lintah, Malay loanword)

  3. worm (cacing): thang2 [thaŋ] , ca3cing4 [tsa-tsiŋ]

Mythical Creatures

  1. dragon: leng2 [leŋ] (colloquial reading), leong2 [liɔŋ] (literary reading)

  2. phoenix: hong3 [hɔŋ]

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Dear visitor, thank you so much for reading this page. My name is Timothy Tye and my hobby is to find out about places, write about them and share the information with you on this website. I have been writing this site since 5 January 2003. Originally (from 2003 until 2009, the site was called AsiaExplorers. I changed the name to Penang Travel Tips in 2009, even though I describe more than just Penang but everywhere I go (I often need to tell people that "Penang Travel Tips" is not just information about Penang, but information written in Penang), especially places in Malaysia and Singapore, and in all the years since 2003, I have described over 20,000 places.

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