Timothy Tye Penang Hokkien Street NamesPenang Hokkien Street Names (11 February 2013)

Whether you are a visitor or a resident of Penang, if you have a desire to speak Penang Hokkien, it is useful to know the name of the streets in Penang in that language. (Of course you can just as well say their names in English or Malay, but the locals will certainly appreciate your attempt in using the actual names in Hokkien.)

On this page, is listed the names of the streets in Penang in Penang Hokkien, using Taiji Romanisation. Although most of the more recent streets are known by their official names, those in George Town are still known by their names in Hokkien. The word for "road" in Hokkien is "lor33" or "kae33lor33", street is "kay1", lane is "lor33 long4", "hang33" or "hang33nga4".

To learn how to pronounce the names of streets in Penang Hokkien, listen to the YouTube video I have put together.

Streets of Penang in Penang Hokkien


  1. Aboo Sittee Lane: Sam3seng3 Hang33 [sam-seŋ-haŋ] (Traditional/Simplified Chinese: 三牲巷, meaning: "Gangster Alley")

  2. Acheen Street: Phak1 Ciok3 Kay1 [phaʔ-tsiok-ke] (Traditional/Simplified Chinese: 拍石街, meaning: "Stonemasonry Street")

  3. Acheen Street Ghaut: Kuan3 Lau2 Lor33 Thau2 [kuan-lau-lɔ-thau] (Traditional Chinese: 懸樓仔路頭, Simplified Chinese: 悬楼仔路头, meaning: "Tall Building Junction"); Phak1 Ciok3 Kay1 Lor33 Thau2 [phaʔ-tsiok-ke-lɔ-thau] (Traditional Chinese: 拍石街路頭, Simplified Chinese: 拍石街路头, meaning: "Stonemasonry Junction")

  4. Ah Quee Street: Ah1 Kui1 Kay1 [a-kui-ke] (Traditional Chinese: 阿貴街, Simplified Chinese: 阿贵街, meaning: "Street of Kapitan Chung Keng Kwee")

  5. Argus Lane: Serani Leh1pai1 Terng2-eh3 Hang33a4 [se-ra-ni le-pai-təŋ-e-haŋ] (Traditional Chinese: 色藍乳禮拜堂後巷仔, Simplified Chinese: 色蓝乳礼拜堂后巷仔, meaning: "Eurasian Church Alley")

  6. Argyll Road: Bang3ga1li1 Hang33 [baŋ-ga-li-haŋ] (Traditional Chinese: 萬葛里巷, Simplified Chinese: 万葛里巷, meaning: "Bengali Lane")

  7. Armenian Street: Phak1 Tang3nga1 Kay1 [phʔ-taŋ-ŋa-ke] ("Little Copper-tooling Street")/Pun1 Thau3 Kong1 Hang33 [tun-thau-kɔŋ-haŋ] ("Pun Thau Kong Alley")

  8. Beach Street: Ang3mor3 Thor3khor3 Kay1 [aŋ-mɔ-thɔ-khɔ-ke] ("European Commerce Street")/ Teong3 Kay1 中街 [tiɔŋ-ke] ("Middle Road")/ Tuan1 Lo1sin4 Kay1 緞羅申街 [tuan-lo-sin-ke] ("Master Hussain's Street")/ Phak1 Thik1 Kay1 拍鐵街 [phaʔ-thik-ke] ("Ironsmithing Street") / Sia33 Boey4 社尾 [sia-boe] ("Town's End")

  9. Bishop Street: Cha3 Kang3 Kay1 [tsha-kaŋ-ke] ("Carpentry Street")

  10. Brick Kiln Road: Hong3 Chia3 Lor33 [hɔŋ-tshia-lɔ] ("Windmill Road")

  11. Buckingham Street: Sin3 Kay3 Thau2 [sin-ke-thau] ("New Street Junction")

  12. Burmah Road: Chia3 Chooi1 Lor33 [tshia-tsui-lɔ] ("Water Wagon Road"), Gu3 Chia3 Chooi4 [gu-tshia-tsui] ("Water Ox Cart")

  13. Campbell Street: Sin3 Kay1 [sin-ke] ("New Street")

  14. Cannon Street: Tua33 Cheng3 Hang33 大銃巷 [tua-tsheŋ-haŋ] ("Big Cannon Lane")

  15. Carnarvon Street: Lam1 Chan3 Na4 [lam-tshan-na] ("The Little Soggy Paddy Field")

  16. Cecil Street: Chit1 Tiau3 Lor33 [tshit-tiau-lɔ] ("Seventh Street")

  17. Che Em Lane: Beh33 Kay3 Hang33 [be-ke-haŋ] ("Poultry Market Alley")

  18. China Street: Tua33 Kay1 [tua-ke] ("Main Street")

  19. Chowrasta Road: Ke1ling3na1 ban33san1 [ke-liŋ-na-ban-san] ("South Indian Market")

  20. Chulia Street: Ke1ling3na1 Kay1 [ke-liŋ-na-ke] ("South Indian Street") / Tua33 Mui3 Lau2 大門樓 / Gu3 Gan3 Tang1 牛干冬

  21. Church Street: Ghee3 Hin3 Kay1 [gi-hin-ke] ("Ghee Hin Street")

  22. Cintra Street: Sin3 Kay3 Huan3 Kay1 新街橫街 ("Campbell Street Intersection") / Phak1 Phau1 Kay1 拍袍街 / Jit3pun1 Kay3 日本街

  23. Dato Kramat Road: Kam3ma1 Hnui2 [kam-ma-huĩ] ("Lime Garden", at Penang Times Square), See1 Kham1 Tiam3 [si-kham-tiam] ("Four Shophouses", at Lorong Kulit)

  24. Drury Lane: Sin3 Hee1tai2 [sin-hi-tai] ("New Theatre")

  25. Fish Lane: Kiam3hu3 Hang33 [kiam-hu-haŋ] ("Salted Fish Lane")

  26. Green Hall: Tuan1 Pa1 Li4 Kay1 [tuan-pa-li-ke] ("Master Paddy's Street")

  27. Green Lane: Chnae3 Chau1 Hang33 [tshɛ̃-tshau-haŋ] ("Green Grass Lane")

  28. Herriot Street: Pek1 Tiau3 Lor33 [peʔ-tiau-lɔ] ("Eighth Street")

  29. Jalan Cheong Fatt Tze: Hang33 Kang1 Kay1 [haŋ-kaŋ-ke] ("Hong Kong Street")

  30. Jalan Lim Khoon Huat: Sin1 Kam3ma1 Hnui2 [sin-kam-ma-huĩ] ("New Lime Plantation")

  31. Jalan Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah: Kuan3na1 Kark3 [kuan-na-kak] ("Checkpoint Corner")

  32. Katz Street: Lark3 Tiau3 Lor33 [lak-tiau-lɔ] ("Sixth Street")

  33. Keng Kwee Street: Keng1 Kui1 Kay1 [keŋ-kui-ke] ("Keng Kwee Street" after Kapitan Chung Keng Kwee)

  34. Kimberley Street: Swa1thau3 Kay1 [sua-thau-ke] ("Swatow Street"), Mee3snua1 Kay1 [mi-suã-ke] ("Chinese Vermicelli Street")

  35. King Street: Kau1 Keng3 Chu3 Au33 [kau-keŋ-tshu-au] ("Behind the Row of Nine Houses"), Kin1 Tang3 Tua33 Pek1 Kong3 Kay1 [kin-taŋ-tua-pɛk-kɔŋ-ke] ("Cantonese Tua Pek Kong Street")

  36. Leith Street: Lien3 Hua3 Ho2 [lian-hua-ho] ("Lotus River")

  37. Light Street: Po3 Le3 Khau3 [po-le-khau] ("Police Court")

  38. Love Lane: Ai1ceng3 Hang33 [ai-tseŋ-ke] ("Love Lane")

  39. Macalister Lane: Snaeh1 Ong3 Kong3si3 Au33 [sɛ-ɔŋ-kɔŋ-si-au] ("Behind the Ong Clan Association")

  40. Macalister Road: Teong3 Lor33 [tiɔŋ-lɔ] ("Middle Road")

  41. Macallum Street: Gor33* Tiau3 Lor33 [gɔ-tiau-lɔ] ("Fifth Road")

  42. Magazine Road: Thau3 Tiau3 Lor33 [thau-tiau-lɔ] ("First Street")

  43. Malay Street: Thai3 Gu3 Au33 [thai-gu-au] ("Behind the Cattle Slaughterhouse")

  44. Market Street: Pa1sat3 Kay1 [pa-sat-ke] ("Market Street")

  45. Muntri Street: Lam3 Wah3 Ee3 Kay1 [lam-ua-i-ke] ("Lam Wah Ee Street")/ Sin3 Hai1lam3 Kong3si3 Kay1 [sin-hai-lam-koŋ-si-ke] ("New Hainanese Clan Association Street")

  46. Nanking Road: Chit1 Tiau3 Lor33 [tshit-tiau-lɔ] ("Seventh Street")

  47. Noordin Street: Jee33 Tiau3 Lor33 [dzi-tiau-lɔ] ("Second Street")

  48. Northam Road: Ang3mor3 Lor33 [aŋ-mɔ-lɔ]

  49. Peking Street: Snar3 Tiau3 Lor33 Pnua3 [sã-tiau-lɔ-puã] ("The Third-and-a-half Street")

  50. Penang Road: Tiau1 Keo3 Thau2 [tiau-kio-thau] ("Hanging Bridge Junction", at Burmah Road junction) / Gor33 Pha3 Teng1 ("Five Lanterns", at Magazine Circus) [gɔ-pha-teŋ] / Lang3chia1 Teng3pai2 Kuan4 [laŋ-tshia-teŋ-pai-kuan] ("Trishaw Registration Office", at Komtar Phase 1)/ Ke1ling3na1 ban33san1 [ke-ling-na-ban-san] ("South Indian Market", at Chowrasta Market)/ Ku33 Kha3ku1 [ku-kha-ku] ("The Old Jail", at Chulia Street Junction)/ Tiau1 Lang3 Kay1 [tiau-laŋ-ke] ("Hanging Man Street", also at Chulia Street Junction)

  51. Penang Street: Kau1 Keng3 Chu3 [kau-keŋ-tshu] ("The Row of Nine Houses")/ Kin1tang3 Kay1 [kin-taŋ-ke] ("Cantonese Street")/ Chet3tiah1 Kay1 [tshet-tia-ke] ("Chettiah Street")

  52. Perak Road: Tua33 Lor33 Au33 [tua-lɔ-au] ("Behind the Main Road")

  53. Pitt Street: Tua33 Ba3lai4 [tua-ba-lai] ("The Big Police Station"), Ya3 Kha1 [ja-kha] ("Under the Coconut Trees")

  54. Prangin Lane: Kiam3hu3 Tnia2 [kiam-hu-tiã] 鹹魚埕 ("Salted Fish Yard")

  55. Prangin Road: Sia3 Boey4 [sia-boe] ("Town's End")

  56. Prangin Road Ghaut: Ang3 Teng3 Kark3 [aŋ-teŋ-kak] ("Red Lantern Corner")

  57. Presgrave Street: Snar3 Tiau3 Lor33 [sã-tiau-lɔ] ("Third Street")

  58. Queen Street: Cap3-Jee33 Keng3 Chu3 [tsap-dzi-keŋ-tshu] ("The Row of Twelve Houses")

  59. Sandilands Street: Kau1 Tiau3 Lor33 [kau-tiau-lɔ] ("Ninth Street") , Pek1 Tiau3 Lor33 Pnua3 [peʔ-tiau-lɔ-tuã] ("Eighth-and-a-half Street")

  60. Seck Chuan Lane: Tua33 Mui3 Lau33 Au33 [tua-mui-lau-au] ("Behind the Grand Arch")

  61. Stewart Lane: Kuan3 Yin3 Teng3 Au33 [kuan-ĩn-teŋ-au] ("Behind the Goddess of Mercy Temple")

  62. Sungai Ujong Road: Hor33cio3 Tnia2 [hɔ-tsio-tiã] ("Peppercorn Yard")

  63. Toh Aka Lane: Phak1 Thik1 Kay1 [phaʔ-thik-ke] ("Ironsmithing Street")

  64. Tye Sin Street: See1 Tiau3 Lor33 [si-tiau-lɔ] ("Fourth Street")

  65. Union Street: Poh3 Leh3 Au33 [po-lɔ-au] ("Behind the Police Station")

  66. Weld Quay: Cun3 Thau2 [tsun-thau] ("Jetty")

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Dear visitor, thank you so much for reading this page. My name is Timothy Tye and my hobby is to find out about places, write about them and share the information with you on this website. I have been writing this site since 5 January 2003. Originally (from 2003 until 2009, the site was called AsiaExplorers. I changed the name to Penang Travel Tips in 2009, even though I describe more than just Penang but everywhere I go (I often need to tell people that "Penang Travel Tips" is not just information about Penang, but information written in Penang), especially places in Malaysia and Singapore, and in all the years since 2003, I have described over 20,000 places.

While I try my best to provide you information as accurate as I can get it to be, I do apologize for any errors and for outdated information which I am unaware. Nevertheless, I hope that what I have described here will be useful to you.

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