The Off-Airport Check-In is a procedure provided by several airlines for passengers departing from Changi Airport. Passengers flying on these airlines enjoy checking in from home or their office or hotel room. They may choose their preferred seat when checking in. The process can be done by phone, fax, SMS, email, wireless access protocol (WAP) or online.
When off-airport check-in passengers arrive at the airport, they still have to collect their boarding pass no later than an hour from flight departure (or as specified by the airlines) and deposit their baggage at the designated airport counters.
The following are airlines offering Off-Airport Check-In, listed by terminal, with details of check-in procedure.
Terminal 1
Terminal 2
- Lufthansa
Phone: +65-6245 5600
Fax: +65-6545 5381
- SilkAir
48 hours to 2 hours before flight departure at
- Singapore Airlines
48 hours to 2 hours before flight departure at
You may also register for SMS check-in at the above site.
Terminal 3
- Garuda Indonesia
12 hours before your flight departure at main office in United Square.
- Singapore Airlines
48 hours to 2 hours before flight departure at
You may also register for SMS check-in at the above site.