Tim enjoying duriansTim enjoying durians (1 September, 2005)

Sri Lanka is hardly the place I would expect to find durians, and I think you wouldn't be able to guess where the photos on this page were taken unless I told you. I think it's well documented that I enjoy durians (and food in general, but that's another story), and my write-up about Balik Pulau Durians. However, the photos in this page were not taken in Balik Pulau, but rather Sri Lanka!

I was travelling with a group of AsiaExplorers members from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya when, after passing the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens, we suddenly came upon this men selling durians by the roadside. It was an unexpected and unusual sight, so I got our coach to stop so we could check it out.

Buying durians in Sri LankaBuying durians in Sri Lanka (1 September, 2005)

They were selling very nice durians, which was a big surprise to me because I never have expected to find "the thorny thing" anywhere outside of Southeast Asia. I am not sure how Sri Lankans take to durians, but considering how cheap these fruits were going for, I don't believe durians are high in demand in Sri Lanka (if I'm wrong, please correct me in the Add a Comment section below).

Pretty soon we were opening durians and having a great time by the roadside on the country road in Sri Lanka. The durians were soft, creamy and sweet, absolutely no difference from those we got back in Penang. I managed to take these photos as proof that there are indeed durians in Sri Lanka!

Sri Lanka durian sellersSri Lanka durian sellers (1 September, 2005)

Sri Lanka durianSri Lanka durian (1 September, 2005)

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Hello and thanks for reading this page. My name is Timothy and my hobby is in describing places so that I can share the information with the general public. My website has become the go to site for a lot of people including students, teachers, journalists, etc. whenever they seek information on places, particularly those in Malaysia and Singapore. I have been doing this since 5 January 2003, for over twenty years already. You can read about me at Discover Timothy. By now I have compiled information on thousands of places, mostly in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, and I continue to add more almost every day. My goal is to describe every street in every town in Malaysia and Singapore.
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